Innovative refurbishment solutions

With our circular refurbishment solutions, you can upgrade your current luminaires to energy-efficient, state-of-the-art LED lighting.

Quick and easy installation!

With refurbishment, the original housing and wiring is reused. The interior is new, with long-life batteries, new electronics, and a LED light source. You can upgrade the luminaires and connect them with a central control system without having to add or change any wiring. Old fluorescent luminaires are usually designed for NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) batteries. If you switch to LED, you also benefit from the advantages of non-toxic NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries. Naturally, we give a five-year guarantee on our luminaires, which comply with the required standard for emergency lighting, EN 1838.


How does it work?

Standard modules for an effortless transformation

For emergency lighting, we offer standardized refurbishment modules for the majority of luminaires. These modules can be replaced effortlessly by your in-house maintenance team, with the entire process taking only a few minutes.

Standard modules for an effortless transformation


Remove the cover

remove the cover



Take out the fluo interior

remove the cover



Install the LED interior

remove the cover



Remount the cover

remove the cover


The end of fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps are disappearing, replacement is impossible.

Upgrade ready in 5 minutes

With minimal adjustments, you are ready within 5 minutes per luminaire.

No need to interrupt work

Minimizing interruptions of your daily activities.

Environmentally friendly

Benefit from the advantages of non-toxic Nickel Metal Hybrid batteries

Minimise maintenance costs

No more lamp replacements.

Reduce material use and waste

Valuable materials are preserved, new extraction avoided.