Excellum is an innovative lighting control system that efficiently controls the general and emergency lighting in your building. By automatically dimming luminaires when there is enough daylight or switching them off when nobody is present, you save energy and money and contribute to a better environment.

Why choose Excellum ?

  • intuitive to use
  • flexible and scalable 
  • visibility into energy consumption and installation status 
  • seamless integration with other building management systems
  • environmentally conscious choice

ETAP Excellum - inzicht in energieverbruik en installatiestatus

How does Excellum save energy ?

Verlichting schakelt automatisch aan en uit op ingestelde tijden

Intelligent time control:

Lighting switches on and off automatically at set times.

Armaturen passen zich aan op basis van het binnenkomende daglicht

Daylight sensors:

Luminaires adjust based on incoming daylight.

Verlichting stemt zich af op jouw activiteiten

Task-oriented adaptation:

Lighting adapts to your activities.

Armaturen gaan vanzelf uit als er niemand is

Presence detection:

Luminaires switch off automatically when nobody is there.

Energie wordt gelijkmatig verdeeld om piekverbruik te verminderen

Peak power limitation:

Energy is distributed evenly to reduce peak consumption.

Maximum flexibility and functionality

Stel de verlichting zelf in naar jouw voorkeur

Personal control:

Adjust the lighting to your preference.

Maak verschillende lichtinstellingen voor verschillende situaties

Scenario setting:

Create different light settings for different situations.

Stuur elk armatuur afzonderlijk aan en configureer je verlichtingszones via een plattegrond in je software

Individual control:

Control each luminaire individually and configure your lighting zones via a floor plan in your software.

Deel je verlichtingszones snel opnieuw in zonder aanpassingen aan bedrading of hardware

Quick adjustments:

Quickly rearrange your lighting zones without any modifications to wiring or hardware.

Full control and visibility

Excellum offers a total package for:

Geniet van optimaal comfort, verhoogde productiviteit en lagere energiekosten met verlichting die zich automatisch aanpast

General lighting

Enjoy optimal comfort, increased productivity and lower energy costs with lighting that adjusts automatically.

Je bent verzekerd van betrouwbare noodverlichting met de ETAP Safety Manager (ESM)  Dit centraal sturingssysteem test zichzelf en meldt storingen

Emergency lighting

You are assured of reliable emergency lighting with the ETAP Safety Manager (ESM) This central control system tests itself and reports faults.

Dankzij Excellum heb je toegang tot uitgebreide statistieken en rapportages over energieverbruik en installatiestatus. Zo kun je trends analyseren en de efficiëntie verbeteren

Statistics and reporting

Thanks to Excellum, you have access to comprehensive statistics and reports on energy consumption and installation status. This allows you to analyse trends and improve efficiency.

Excellum integreert naadloos met bestaande gebouwbeheersystemen (BMS) zoals HVAC en beveiliging, wat zorgt voor een efficiënte gebouwomgeving en verbeterd gebouwbeheer

Integration with building management system

Excellum can be integrated seamlessly with building management systems (BMS) such as HVAC and security, ensuring an efficient building environment and improved building management.

Benefit from professional ETAP service:

Excellum is offered as standard with lighting design and commissioning by the ETAP services team. We take full responsibility for installation. For specific needs, ETAP can customise the service package.

Check out ETAP's full range of services here

Profiteer van deskundige ETAP dienstverlening

Discover the benefits of Excellum for your business

Wondering if Excellum is right for your project? We are happy to schedule a short video meeting with one of our experts. After evaluating your project, we will send a ‘Quick Budget Quote’ - a quick estimate of the final quote - within 48 hours.

Fill in the contact form so we can set up an appointment with you.

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